Friday, June 7, 2013

Update 2

I haven't updated on my Good Deeds in awhile, so here it is...

Last Thursday, I taped bags of popcorn to the Redbox machines outside Jewel. I was a little scared no one would take them, but after work, they were all gone so I was happy!

On that Friday, I posted some inspiring quotes on Facebook. I liked all of the quotes and hope they inspired at least one person. 

Saturday, I went on Amazon's wedding registry and bought a present for someone. I also attached a note with it so they didn't think I was creep, but I explained the Good Deeds. So, I hope Sarah and Nathan in Texas like their fruit bowl I got them...I thought the thing was pretty cool!

Sunday, I brought magazines into the breakroom at work for people to read. Since I subscribe to 4 magazines (addicted HA), this was perfect for me because I usually just give them to people or throw them away!

Monday, I left notes on the bathroom I share with my sister saying things like You are Beautiful, Confident, Inspiring, etc. She responded that they were "annoying" notes. Next time I'll try someone else.

Tuesday, I bought a bag of candy for my coworkers to share. I appreciate all the work they do for all of us and we always have some type of candy to share, so enjoy!

Wednesday, I donated to a charity of my choose. I chose Make a Wish Foundation because I believe in that cause so much. I just wish I could have donated more!

Thursday, I helped my mom out by washing the dishes for her. Since it's summer break, I bet I will be able to help around the house more...

Can't wait to update on more soon!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My first update on how my 30 Day Good Deed Challenge is going...

On Sunday is when I started my Good Deeds. 

Sunday, I gave someone a compliment. Since my family was having a BBQ, I thought this would be the "quickest" option and most convenient to start with. I picked my little sister Brittany, in which I told her that I liked her hair that day. I could have probably been more creative, however, she didn't believe me anyway and thought I was :)

Monday, I left money in a drink vending machine at work. I wanted to do this "secretly" so no one would know it was me. I went on break, got a water, and then put extra money in there for the next person. I sat up in the breakroom like a stalker, waiting for someone to come in, and of course, no one did. I was scared someone would not see the money in there, so I left a post-it on the machine saying "Have a drink on me," so I hope whoever ended up with it was happy.

Tuesday, I had to bring my library books back since they were due, so I put a dollar bill in there with a note. The note said "This time you won't stop believing" because it was a quote from the book (Fly Away by Kristin Hannah BTW-go read it, it's SO GOOD) and I thought it was kind of appropriate. 

Today, I picked make someone smile. My students are currently doing a "10 day" countdown at school and today was Bubble Day. They were able to go outside in the afternoon and blow bubbles plus I brought some bubble gum in for them to have as well. I have to say, I am glad I picked my students because even though I am ready for summer, their smiles are going to be very missed. Teaching is so rewarding.

So far, this good deed challenge has been good and bad. Good because I really enjoy this. Bad because I have found that although I do not want credit for my "good deeds," I want to know who is receiving them. I guess I'm just gonna have to go into full stalker mode now. 

Until next time.  

Monday, May 20, 2013

A 30 Day Good Deed Challenge.

“There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.”

As I was thinking of some kind of “great” blog to write, perhaps to inspire some out there, I have decided that what I can give the most will be done by giving back. I searched for a “30 Day Good Deed Challenge” and am going to stick to it. I have picked out 30 deeds I believe I can conquer and by doing so, make the world a little bit of a better place, even if for 30 days.

Here is my list of Good Deeds I have chosen:

1)      Post notes on mirrors like "You look beautiful today!" to encourage positive self image.
2)      Leave your extra change in a vending machine for someone else to use.
3)      Be a kind driver. Let someone merge in front of you during rush hour. Always use your blinker.
4)      Make somebody smile.
5)      Inspire others by being kind, or maybe sharing an inspirational video/quote/book.
6)      Anonymously grant a wish on someone's Amazon wishlist wedding registry.
7)      Cut coupons and leave them by the appropriate items in a grocery store for others to use.
8)      Pay it forward by offering to pay the bill for the person in line behind you at the drive in, or at the tolls on a highway.
9)      Go a day without complaining.
10)  Watch less television.
11)  Pick up a piece of trash you find on the ground and dispose of it properly.
12)  Leave a note or a dollar in a library book for somebody else.
13)  Meatless Mondays.
14)  Send someone an encouraging old fashioned letter praising them for what they mean to you and what good they do in this world.
15)  Donate to a charity of your choosing.
16)  Give someone a compliment.
17)  In the office, at the bank, on an elevator or a train, hold the door open for someone else.
18)  Address your server or waiter by name and leave a generous tip.
19)  Tape popcorn to Redbox for Movie night.
20)  Push up Grocery Carts at a store.
21)  Do something to help Mom.
22)  Leave a book you have already finished somewhere for someone else to read.
23)  Open the phone book, pick a name, and send them something (movie tickets, thank you card, you are appreciated card, book, etc.) anonymously.
24)  Offer to babysit.
25)  Purchase a canned or dry good to give to a local food bank.
26)  Spend extra time playing with your pet
27)  Forgive someone.
28)  Make dinner for someone you care about.
29)  Buy or make a present for your co-workers.
30)  On Day 30, remind others of what good they can do.

So, I will begin my Challenge next week. I will update as I see fit on doing so because I know there will be no way I can update everyday. I am really excited about doing this and hope that I get as much out of it as some others do!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day...

I have been thinking about these things for a couple weeks now, and wanted to let them out. 

I am not really sure why, but there's a part of me that really feels sad about  Mother's Day. I never used to feel that way, because my Mother is just one of the best of the best, but I guess I can kind of understand...

First of all, I think it has to do with the fact that I am not really sure I ever want kids in my life. Everytime I say that outloud, I get looks like I'm crazy or people think that I am weird. This statement does not make me sad in any way, I feel like if I ever decided I wanted kids, I would be a great Mother. But, I just don't know if I want them. I hope at some point in my life, that feeling changes. As a teacher, I love children and everything they come with. But I just really don't have that "feeling" of wanting to be a Mom. I think 99.9% are never truly ready to have children at the time they do, and I would just like to make sure that I am not one of them. This is not saying those people are not good parents, but I just want to be ready.

Secondly, I think it has to do with the fact that I know way too many people that have trouble getting pregnant and having children that Mother's Day kind of brings up those feelings. As a sister to two of those struggling, it really just tears up my heartstrings because I consider them to be like "Moms" to me. And while I see in one sister everyday how amazing of a Mom she is, I just pray and try to continue to have faith that the other will get the chance one way or another to show the world that very same thing. And I mean this without a doubt: I would gladly give up my chance to have children for those sisters I love so much. I would just like them to know that.

Lastly, Mother's Day makes a little bit sad because I feel like not even less then a year ago, my family was rocked when we knew what it felt like to be worried so much about our Mom. I know she will probably be upset because she doesn't like attention on her, but I just want her to know that I so blessed and lucky to have a Mom like her. I have never known a person to be so incredibly selfless, strong, and loving as she is. 

While so many people celebrate Mother's Day (as we all should), I just can't help but feel these other emotions as well. So even though I will be a little bit blue, I just hope I can be reminded of all the great things about this day too.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My turn at Life Lessons

Well, I’m back. Not even quite sure when it the last time I wrote a blog…but it had to have been a while considering I couldn’t even remember how to get to the thing. Anyways, I had told my brother in law to write down some life lessons like this list here. Instead, he took some of the ones that spoke to him and added his own advice to it. So I decided to be a copycat and do the same…well, technically, I found the list first, so I can do with it what I want. Anyway, here is my completed list and opinions on them.

Lessons in Life

*Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

-I can honestly say there is no person that I hate in life. There are definitely people I don’t like and don’t really have interest in ever talking to, but hating someone is ridiculous to me. The truth is, I think people “hate” someone because either they are jealous of them or they really don’t understand/know that person. And you never know who you’re spending time hating.
*You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

-Good luck with this one. I am the type of person that will, for example, say in an argument “Well, I didn’t say THAT, but I did say THIS.” Even though what you said is basically the same thing as what I’m saying I didn’t say. I fight sometimes for the fact that I just feel like fighting at the point in time. So, you really should agree to disagree. But I am going to go ahead and say I win this argument.

*Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

-Seriously, I am not sure about this one. I was recently talking to a friend that if we got a redo button in life, I would totally hit it. And it’s not to say I don’t love my life because there are a lot of great things in it. But I wish I was the type of person who could easily just let things in the past go, but I am quite the opposite. Which then makes the screwing up the present even worse. So good luck out there. Although I’m the one that needs the luck, I suppose.
* Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.

-This has always been something I have felt strongly about. Although I get sad from time to time, I am pretty good about not feeling sorry for myself. (I am sure my mom will say the opposite, but I disagree). You have got to figure out that feeling sorry for yourself is never going to change anything. It’s never going to bring someone back, make things happen, give you what you want. YOU ultimately decide that for you, so living is the best advice.

*No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

-This speaks to me because I often want people, at points, to just fix things for me. When things become too much, I just wish I could hand them over to someone else and just say, “Fix this and make this better for me.” I’m not sure why I get this way at times, but I think it’s because I care too much about what people think. And again, that is ridiculous. Because I know I’m pretty much awesome, so I should want to be in charge of my life.
* Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"

-I ask myself this a lot. What exactly matters in life? So many people will give a different answer and I think that’s what makes me so fascinated by people. I have a problem (well, probably many): I over think and over analyze every situation. So it helps if I take a step back and just think, “What matters in what you’re thinking?” What do you really want to happen? Just really make that the basis and go from there.
*Forgive everyone everything.

- I fully support this. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts in life. While I can hold grudges about things, I also believe I have been blessed with being able to forgive. Whether it be that person who led you on or that friend that stabbed you in the back, forgiving will be so much better than holding onto it. This doesn’t make you weak either, it only makes you stronger.
*However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

-I have a huge problem waiting for things to change. It probably comes from the fact that I have been waiting for my dream job for about a billion years to actually come true, but it also comes from the fact that I believe I can fix situations. I honestly think somewhere inside me is the power to just magically fix everything with a conversation, a look, etc. I don’t really know where that comes from, but trust me, realizing you need to wait sometimes will allow you to feel so much more when that change does come. And when the change is “bad,” watch out. I will come to the rescue, trying to fix it even more.
*Believe in miracles.

-Dreams come true everyday because they do. While I have many friends and family in my life that may need a little reassurance in some things, I’m here to tell you to BELIEVE in the POSSIBILITY that you miracle will come. And when it does, can you please send these vibes back to me?
*Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

-I disagree with this. Because getting rid of things are that useless, ugly, and sad are not going to let you appreciate the things that are useful, beautiful, and joyful. However, I find myself sometimes holding to things I think are beautiful and joyful and they just end up being ugly and sad things. So, the real lesson here is to test these things out first.
* All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

-I think I would change this one to all that truly matters in the end is that you tried. I always think there’s a way to try more in every situation. I think people give up too easily. When something happens that you don’t like, try to fix it. It may end up that the end result will be even worse, however, keep going and trying until you can’t anymore. It’ll make you a better person.
*The best is yet to come.

- I really really honestly hope so. That’s all I have to say about this.
*Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

-So true and so easy to do, yet taken for granted. When something’s eating at you, take a step back to figure out the best solution. It will help the situation 100%. This is also something that’s hard for me to do. When I become angry, annoyed, passionate about something, it will all come out at once because I can’t hold it in. Take a deep breath so you remember to breathe.

* If you don't ask, you don't get.

-Tell that to the person that asks and then doesn’t get. You are not going to get everything you want in life. If you did, you’d end up not appreciating the rejection. However, if you don’t ask, you definitely won’t get. So, you definitely should ask.


I can pretty much guarantee that I will probably not write another blog for another year or so (ha), so take this while you can.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I don't want to be....

My Favorite “OTH” Moments- TOP 20
In honor of one of my favorite shows ever, I decided to write down some of my favorite moments from all 8 seasons thus far. Not many shows make it to a season 9, and this show just happened to make it farther than my other favorite show, Dawson’s Creek. So I think that deserves a list of some of the best moments ever. Click on the link below each moment to watch it again J

1. Nathan makes it to the NBA.
            *How does this scene, 3 years later, make me cry to this day? I love Haley’s face. Says it all.
2. Brooke Davis= Brooke Davis Baker.
            *Love it. Finally, B.Davis gets the boy.
3. The final high school scene on the Rivercourt.
            *I love this scene. I love everyone together and signing the Rivercourt.
4. I’m the guy for you, Brooke Davis.
            *You WERE the guy for her, Lucas Scott. Dumbass.
5. Nathan and Haley’s wedding, Part 2.
            *These speeches say it all. Naley forever.
6. Peyton and Lucas, obviously still in love.
            *Look, I am not a Leyton fan. I am not convinced these two were meant to be, however, this scene made me okay with the fact they ended up together. And it helped that I hated Lindsay.
7. Karen and Keith finally kiss (for real).
            *Damn Dan Scott. Ruined this relationship!
8. Naley’s baby is OKAY!
            *Nathan got into gambling trouble, and Haley gets hit by a car…Is their baby okay? Again, love Haley in this scene.
9. The rain scenes.
            *I love how Nathan was still proud of Haley even though she left him. And I love Lucas’s speech. Two great scenes, all involving rain.
10. Brooke Davis got the boy, now she gets the baby (babies).
            *Greatest T.V. character ever. She changed so much in 8 seasons and this was her happy ending <3
11. Q Dies.
            *Just when I absolutely loved his character. Thanks, Mark Schwahn.
12. Brooke Davis is going to change the world someday, and she doesn’t even know it.
            *Loved Lucas’s first book. And how true he was.
13. Finally, Lucas learns Dan killed Keith.
            *I love this twist; Abby seeing Dan kill Keith.
14. The girls dance to Spice Girls.
            *Cheesy and awesome.
            *Um, these two were meant to be. One of the best surprises, Peyton goes the airport to visit Jake!!! I think my heart skipped a couple beats watching this again.
16. “Who do you want next to you when all your dreams come true?” Brooke.
            *Not the answer you were hoping for, huh Peyton?
17. The whole episode of spending the day with another classmate.
            *This whole episode was so good. Plus, Skillz got into college!
18. Lucas beats Nathan in basketball.
            *Started everything. J And “I’ll be seeing you?” Even I admit, awesome.
19. Brooke and Lucas, basically done at Naley’s wedding.
            *All of these clips=AWESOME. And Brooke kills it in the last scene with Lucas.
 20. Dan kills Keith.
            *The worst thing to ever happen to this show, but made the show was it was.

There are so many more moments I would add, but then I would just be showing the whole show J

Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm Talking Bout Love...

This post will probably bore almost any guy that reads it, and maybe even some ladies out there that don't care about this type of things, but the reason I usually watch T.V./movies is because I like couples. I am a hopeless romantic, and I can't help but think that true love conquers all, so here is a list of my top ten couples I love from T.V./movies. Be prepared because I don't usually branch out in that stuff either.

1) Dawson and Joey, Dawson's Creek- I am a TRUE believer that they were meant to be. Cue happy ending music. The end. There isn't really an argument for me here on this one, but if you must hear it, they are meant to be simply because she loves him her whole life. The two times she fell in love on the test, BOTH him. And he loved her through every relationship he tried to have. Also because Pacey screamed at her at the prom and said she makes him feel like nothing. And any guy that cries so loser-like and hard on the creek is the one for you. :)

2) Lucas and Brooke (Brucas)- One Tree Hill- It is very hard for me to have them beat out Naley, but I will forever hate the fact he ended up with Peyton, the worst best friend ever. They are meant to be because HE was under the door under her name, and because "I'm the guy for you, Brooke Davis. You'll see."

3) Noah and Allie- The Notebook- I don't think this really needs an argument either, but the way Noah loved her forever, and wrote her everyday for a year gets to me everytime. And the way she pushes him when they "break up" and then she runs after the car saying "We're not really broken up, are we" is such a powerful relationship.

4) Hayley and Mateo- All My Children- This may have more to do with Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos getting together in real life, but I STILL can remember how much I loved these two together, and it's been forever.

5) Cory and Topanga- Boy Meets World- The episodes when Cory cheats on Topanga with Lauren are my favorite to watch because he says to Shawn, It's weird being the only person in the world to know it's not over between him and Topanga. I always loved how he was scared of her and thought she was weird because that is how crushes usually happen in real life at a young age too.

6) Monica and Chandler- Friends- I do not know whether these two were always going to be put together when they first started this show, but it was the best decision they ever made. I love everything about them. I love how's kinda crazy and he's so sarcastic and it just works. Plus, I love how they end up with TWO babies and not one!

7) John and Savannah- Dear John- I am one of those people who think somehow, these two end up together in the end. They don't in the movie or the book, but he still looks at the moon and thinks of her and she still watches him looking at the moon. Meant to be. It was just life getting in the way.

8) Felicity and Ben- Felicity- She followed him to New York to be with him when they were never even anything. Only because of something he wrote in her yearbook. So meant to be.

9) Summer and Seth- The O.C.- She hated him. He remembered her mermaid poem she read in elementary school. Then Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson got together in real life, and I thought PERFECT (too bad they broke up). In the last episode of this show and they show them getting married, though, it was a great last moment.

10) Kelly and Zack- Saved By The Bell- I have seen the episode where they dance outside the school and she cries because she wants to be with college boy Jeff a million times, and even those this show is totally "80's," I still get mad at her because it's totally obvious her and Zack are meant to be. Then they came out with that special that showed them getting married in Vegas and all was right. :)

So, I'm sure there are a TON more, and most of these shows/movies are be considered "teeny-bopper"ish, but I still love them.