Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My turn at Life Lessons

Well, I’m back. Not even quite sure when it the last time I wrote a blog…but it had to have been a while considering I couldn’t even remember how to get to the thing. Anyways, I had told my brother in law to write down some life lessons like this list here. Instead, he took some of the ones that spoke to him and added his own advice to it. So I decided to be a copycat and do the same…well, technically, I found the list first, so I can do with it what I want. Anyway, here is my completed list and opinions on them.

Lessons in Life

*Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

-I can honestly say there is no person that I hate in life. There are definitely people I don’t like and don’t really have interest in ever talking to, but hating someone is ridiculous to me. The truth is, I think people “hate” someone because either they are jealous of them or they really don’t understand/know that person. And you never know who you’re spending time hating.
*You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

-Good luck with this one. I am the type of person that will, for example, say in an argument “Well, I didn’t say THAT, but I did say THIS.” Even though what you said is basically the same thing as what I’m saying I didn’t say. I fight sometimes for the fact that I just feel like fighting at the point in time. So, you really should agree to disagree. But I am going to go ahead and say I win this argument.

*Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

-Seriously, I am not sure about this one. I was recently talking to a friend that if we got a redo button in life, I would totally hit it. And it’s not to say I don’t love my life because there are a lot of great things in it. But I wish I was the type of person who could easily just let things in the past go, but I am quite the opposite. Which then makes the screwing up the present even worse. So good luck out there. Although I’m the one that needs the luck, I suppose.
* Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.

-This has always been something I have felt strongly about. Although I get sad from time to time, I am pretty good about not feeling sorry for myself. (I am sure my mom will say the opposite, but I disagree). You have got to figure out that feeling sorry for yourself is never going to change anything. It’s never going to bring someone back, make things happen, give you what you want. YOU ultimately decide that for you, so living is the best advice.

*No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

-This speaks to me because I often want people, at points, to just fix things for me. When things become too much, I just wish I could hand them over to someone else and just say, “Fix this and make this better for me.” I’m not sure why I get this way at times, but I think it’s because I care too much about what people think. And again, that is ridiculous. Because I know I’m pretty much awesome, so I should want to be in charge of my life.
* Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"

-I ask myself this a lot. What exactly matters in life? So many people will give a different answer and I think that’s what makes me so fascinated by people. I have a problem (well, probably many): I over think and over analyze every situation. So it helps if I take a step back and just think, “What matters in what you’re thinking?” What do you really want to happen? Just really make that the basis and go from there.
*Forgive everyone everything.

- I fully support this. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts in life. While I can hold grudges about things, I also believe I have been blessed with being able to forgive. Whether it be that person who led you on or that friend that stabbed you in the back, forgiving will be so much better than holding onto it. This doesn’t make you weak either, it only makes you stronger.
*However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

-I have a huge problem waiting for things to change. It probably comes from the fact that I have been waiting for my dream job for about a billion years to actually come true, but it also comes from the fact that I believe I can fix situations. I honestly think somewhere inside me is the power to just magically fix everything with a conversation, a look, etc. I don’t really know where that comes from, but trust me, realizing you need to wait sometimes will allow you to feel so much more when that change does come. And when the change is “bad,” watch out. I will come to the rescue, trying to fix it even more.
*Believe in miracles.

-Dreams come true everyday because they do. While I have many friends and family in my life that may need a little reassurance in some things, I’m here to tell you to BELIEVE in the POSSIBILITY that you miracle will come. And when it does, can you please send these vibes back to me?
*Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

-I disagree with this. Because getting rid of things are that useless, ugly, and sad are not going to let you appreciate the things that are useful, beautiful, and joyful. However, I find myself sometimes holding to things I think are beautiful and joyful and they just end up being ugly and sad things. So, the real lesson here is to test these things out first.
* All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

-I think I would change this one to all that truly matters in the end is that you tried. I always think there’s a way to try more in every situation. I think people give up too easily. When something happens that you don’t like, try to fix it. It may end up that the end result will be even worse, however, keep going and trying until you can’t anymore. It’ll make you a better person.
*The best is yet to come.

- I really really honestly hope so. That’s all I have to say about this.
*Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

-So true and so easy to do, yet taken for granted. When something’s eating at you, take a step back to figure out the best solution. It will help the situation 100%. This is also something that’s hard for me to do. When I become angry, annoyed, passionate about something, it will all come out at once because I can’t hold it in. Take a deep breath so you remember to breathe.

* If you don't ask, you don't get.

-Tell that to the person that asks and then doesn’t get. You are not going to get everything you want in life. If you did, you’d end up not appreciating the rejection. However, if you don’t ask, you definitely won’t get. So, you definitely should ask.


I can pretty much guarantee that I will probably not write another blog for another year or so (ha), so take this while you can.