Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm Talking Bout Love...

This post will probably bore almost any guy that reads it, and maybe even some ladies out there that don't care about this type of things, but the reason I usually watch T.V./movies is because I like couples. I am a hopeless romantic, and I can't help but think that true love conquers all, so here is a list of my top ten couples I love from T.V./movies. Be prepared because I don't usually branch out in that stuff either.

1) Dawson and Joey, Dawson's Creek- I am a TRUE believer that they were meant to be. Cue happy ending music. The end. There isn't really an argument for me here on this one, but if you must hear it, they are meant to be simply because she loves him her whole life. The two times she fell in love on the test, BOTH him. And he loved her through every relationship he tried to have. Also because Pacey screamed at her at the prom and said she makes him feel like nothing. And any guy that cries so loser-like and hard on the creek is the one for you. :)

2) Lucas and Brooke (Brucas)- One Tree Hill- It is very hard for me to have them beat out Naley, but I will forever hate the fact he ended up with Peyton, the worst best friend ever. They are meant to be because HE was under the door under her name, and because "I'm the guy for you, Brooke Davis. You'll see."

3) Noah and Allie- The Notebook- I don't think this really needs an argument either, but the way Noah loved her forever, and wrote her everyday for a year gets to me everytime. And the way she pushes him when they "break up" and then she runs after the car saying "We're not really broken up, are we" is such a powerful relationship.

4) Hayley and Mateo- All My Children- This may have more to do with Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos getting together in real life, but I STILL can remember how much I loved these two together, and it's been forever.

5) Cory and Topanga- Boy Meets World- The episodes when Cory cheats on Topanga with Lauren are my favorite to watch because he says to Shawn, It's weird being the only person in the world to know it's not over between him and Topanga. I always loved how he was scared of her and thought she was weird because that is how crushes usually happen in real life at a young age too.

6) Monica and Chandler- Friends- I do not know whether these two were always going to be put together when they first started this show, but it was the best decision they ever made. I love everything about them. I love how's kinda crazy and he's so sarcastic and it just works. Plus, I love how they end up with TWO babies and not one!

7) John and Savannah- Dear John- I am one of those people who think somehow, these two end up together in the end. They don't in the movie or the book, but he still looks at the moon and thinks of her and she still watches him looking at the moon. Meant to be. It was just life getting in the way.

8) Felicity and Ben- Felicity- She followed him to New York to be with him when they were never even anything. Only because of something he wrote in her yearbook. So meant to be.

9) Summer and Seth- The O.C.- She hated him. He remembered her mermaid poem she read in elementary school. Then Adam Brody and Rachel Bilson got together in real life, and I thought PERFECT (too bad they broke up). In the last episode of this show and they show them getting married, though, it was a great last moment.

10) Kelly and Zack- Saved By The Bell- I have seen the episode where they dance outside the school and she cries because she wants to be with college boy Jeff a million times, and even those this show is totally "80's," I still get mad at her because it's totally obvious her and Zack are meant to be. Then they came out with that special that showed them getting married in Vegas and all was right. :)

So, I'm sure there are a TON more, and most of these shows/movies are be considered "teeny-bopper"ish, but I still love them.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Reasons why I'm incredibly selfish at times...

So, I like to think of myself as a pretty decent human being, but I also think it's pretty decent of me to admit that I can be very selfish at times. I like to blame this on the fact that I was the baby of the family for 12 years of my life and then got a little sister. Or maybe I just blame it on the fact that just need to be a little bit selfish.

1) So, this economy sucks for everyone, but I think it's just happening to ME: I realize this economy sucks. I realize so many people are out of work, and I should be considered lucky I at least make money every week. But sometimes, I just want to have a tantrum because it's just NOT freakin' fair that all of that money is going towards gas, taxes, and I am not even doing what I want to be doing. Go to hell economy.

2) Sharing food: This is probably so stupid, but I hate sharing all the "good" food in the house I like...I still live at home and don't even pay for the food, but yet, I get incredibly pissed off when people eat the stuff I LOVE, and there is not even anything left for me. So in case you come over to visit, do NOT eat my ice cream (cookie dough) or drink my Vitamin Water.

3) I will never see a "stupid" movie you wanna see that I don't: At least I can admit this is rude of me, but I will not go see any action movie or movie that looks boring, but yet, if you're coming to the movies with me, be prepared for romance, comedy, or horror. Only movies I will see in theatres. Sorry.

4) I like doing stuff at MY house: If someone is coming over to watch a show or just hang out, I like being at my house. I don't know why, it's just me. Nothing against anyone else's house, but I just prefer it.

5) I'm sure the question of "Did I get that too?" has been asked to my parents 1,000 times: I like to think of this one as something I'm sure my sisters and I all do...when I stopped getting an Easter basket, I was mad because my sisters got one for more years of their life. That is the problem having 4 children, all girls :) They all hope that they get all the EXACT same stuff, at the EXACT same time in life, and for the EXACT same money. I know my parents give us a lot, and more importantly love us, but hey...I still haven't gotten my graduation present... :)

6) I will argue for the sake of arguing: I don't know what it is, but there are definitely times when I just love to argue. I like to make points, bring up information not that relevant, and keep arguing for no reason. I think this makes me a little bit selfish because do I need to be doing I want to, so I will.

So, hopefully some of these things are things you can relate to. Maybe I can write a post in the future about why I am not selfish to make myself feel better about myself, but until then...I will just argue with you why being selfish sometimes is okay :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

10 "Stupid" Things You Need to Do In Life...

So here are some random things that may be considered stupid to some, but things I think you should do in your lifetime. I could think of a lot more, but these are the main ones that apply to my life, and I think they are all pretty much awesome. Actually, some don't realllly apply to my life anymore, but at times, they sure did.

1) Watch reality T.V.: Yup, I very much think watching reality T.V. will make your life better. Most of the time I can feel brain cells actually jumping out of my brain as I'm watching some of these shows, but if you need a laugh, there ya go. Refer to Scott Disick on Keeping Up With The Kardashians for an instant laugh because I LOL at anything he does.

2) Fall Down: I really think it's important to just trip, wipe out, fall down, and make a complete fool out of yourself. Falling down is one of the best things you can do. It's even better when you see someone else fall down.

3) Get drunk: Getting good and drunk is also another great thing you have to experience once (or way more) in your lifetime. Even if after, you realize you probably make somewhat of a horrible drunk at times, it's still necessary and competely fine. It is also good to have shots while you are doing this. If you know me, shots are my favorite, so just do one and you will see, it's not so bad :)

4) Go for it with the guy/girl of your dreams: So what if they shoot you down? Yeah, you may be completely heartbroken after it, but you will never have to wonder "What If?" AND

5) Sing loudly in your car with the windows down: I probably do this on average 5 times a week when the weather is nice, and any stress you were feeling before it, you are not feeling during your solos. When you have a GREAT voice like me, it's even better to just absolutely suck and the person next to you wants to drive as fast as they can away from you, but they can't because it's a red light. Those are the best moments.

6) Kiss someone you probably would never be in a relationship with: Obviously, do this before you have found the person of your dreams. Knowing that you aren't going to probably make a commitment to this person makes it exciting and fun...besides, on the 1% it may turn into a relationship, now you know they're a great kisser (hopefully).

7) Cry: I know all about this topic, and trust me, it's very healing and it WILL make you feel better once you do it. That is all I have to say about this one.

8) Go on a road trip: And if you disagree, just go on a road trip with me and you will see how fun and stupid it is.

9) Randomly laugh around people who have no idea why are you are laughing: Okay, so one of my biggest pet peeves is laughing so loudly, but you can do this quietly, and then it's fine. I love when someone is telling you a story, and you are thinking about something else that happened during the day, and you just can't help but laugh. And the person you're with have no idea why you're laughing. So definitely do this, and just watch their expression.

10) Take pictures: I am definitely not a person who takes a camera everywhere I go, but it is necessary to do this once in a while because looking back on your memories of events is priceless.

Try these 10 things out and you will have a better life....or a life just like mine, which I have learned so far, is a pretty damn good life.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You Need To Find Something to Inspire You....

I have always loved quotes, lyrics from songs, wise stories, etc. because I feel like those types of things can speak to you in a way that nothing else really can. Here are a few of my favorites that I would like to share...

If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.

The secret to happiness is not in doing what one likes to do, but in liking what one has to do.

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark
in the hopeless swaps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the
not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration
for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world
you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours.

Our best decisions, the ones that we never regret, come from listening to ourselves

There are moments in our lives we find ourselves at a crossroads - afraid, confused, without a road map. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course, when faced with the unknown most of us prefer to turn around and go back. But once in awhile, people push on to something better. Something found just beyond the pain of going it alone. And just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in. Or to give someone a second chance. Something beyond the quite persistance of a dream. Because it's only when you're tested that you truly discover who you are. And it's only when you're tested that you discover who you can be. The person you want to be does exist, somewhere on the other side of hardwork, belief, faith and the heartache and fear of what lies ahead.

Hope Dies Last.

Because life...rarely makes any sense, but when its right, its right, and you dont question it, you dont think, you dont ponder, you just exist.

And when you're not a little boy anymore, when the world has taught you how to be a man... Then you'll still make mistakes. But your family, and all those good friends you've made along the way, will help you. And even though you'll think the world has gone out of it's way to teach you all the tough lessons, you'll realize that it's the same world that's given you your family and those friends, you you'll come to believe that no matter what happens, somehow the world will protect you, too. "Boy Meets World." Now I get it.

It's flawless, really somethin', it's fearless.

You can never say never...why we don't know when.

Whenever you feel like criticizing any one...just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.
 I don't care if it's a sad good-bye or a bad good-bye, but when I leave a place I like to know I'm leaving it.  If you don't, you feel even worse. 

This is just a few....feel free to leave any quotes you like that mean something to you.

Monday, March 7, 2011

10 Things That Really Annoy Me About People

Here are ten things that really annoy me that people do...

1) Not giving a wave when driving or using your turn signal: When someone lets you in, you need to wave to them to say thanks, otherwise you're a jerk. And there's turn signals on your car, so why can't half the population use them? Don't look at ME like I'm the bad driver when I have to slam on my brakes behind you because you didn't use your signal and you are now turning.

2) When answering a text, you reply "ok": First of all, I know sometimes people are busy and you can't have a full conversation, but really? "Ok" responses piss me off because it makes me think a) It's really not ok or b) You don't really care to whatever I just said to you. So, at least say something like "Sounds good" or "Yeah, that's fine" so I at least know you are reading what I said to you.

3) When you're having a hard time, people respond with a stupid quote: When you try and talk to someone about your problems, they say something like "Life's Not Fair" or "Don't Worry, Be Happy" or something along those lines. Gee, thanks for taking 5 minutes out of your time to give an answer that you didn't even create. I already know life's not fair, but that isn't going to make me feel any better!

4)Being late 99.9% of the time: I know sometimes you can't help being late, but you can when you are almost always late...if people are expecting you, you really should show up on time because otherwise, it's just rude. And if you are going to be late, let them know!

5) Not telling someone that you're upset with them: I am the first person to admit I hate confrontation. I would rather avoid it, but whenever I am upset at someone, I tell them. This way you can solve the problem...those people out there keeping their feelings to themselves: the problem will never get fixed and you'll just end up more upset as time goes on. People can't read your mind, so speak up!

6) When you act like you know a topic when you really don't: I can't stand it when peope pretend to know something, but they really have no information, and are just pretending they do. For an example, I hate when people pretend they are a fan of sports, but have no clue what's going on. No one cares if you don't watch it, but stop acting like you know everything about it, but can't even pronounce the players names correctly.

7) Some people are just plain lucky all.the.time: Okay, so maybe these so few lucky people can't really help their "luckiness", but it still annoys me sooo much. Why/how do you get this lucky and where can I sign up? Even if I had half their luck, I think I'd be set for life.

8) Laughing so loudly in a restaurant/store: I'm not sure why this bothers me so much, but there are just some people I HEAR that are so freakin' loud everywhere they go, and I just want to tell them to use their whisper voices!! Especially when I am at work, and all I can hear in the back room is people (mostly drunkos buying more alcohol) laughing so hard throughout the aisles. No one wants to hear you laugh that loud, not even your friends that you're with, so shut your trap.

9) Stories that start with "I don't mean to offend you, but...": This is exactly what you meant to do, you just don't want to look like a jerk saying it without putting that in front of it. If you have to say that before what comes next, just don't say anything at all.

10) Expecting someone to know how to do something without telling them: I'm sure this happens more commonly to me because I sub, but there have been times that there have been no plans left for me, yet I am expected to know how to dismiss the kids at the end of the day, when their specials are,etc. And even if you don't have this specific thing happen to you, I'm sure you know what I mean. When you're given a task at work (that's a new thing you've never done before), and your boss expects you to know how to do it....why can't you just show me so I know? I promise, I will remember for next time. And it's even worse when they get mad that you did it WRONG. Well, sue me because I had no clue what in the hell I was doing. :)

The list could go on and on....but I think I'll end here before people think all I do is get annoyed.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Qualities/Things *Lucky* Women Should Have

So, I decided to write a blog because my brother in law, Scott, has one, and it gives me something to do with the amount of free time I have (mostly tons). Some of my posts will be about my life, and getting all of my stress out, and some will be advice/ramblings on what I have come to realize so far in the past 24 years of my life (which, I just started to see is a whole lot of NOTHING, but I can pretend).

I thought I would start with four qualities I belive women need to have in their life.  It could apply to men too I guess, but I don't think they really care about the qualities they have.

1. The first is some sort of passion in her life. Whether that comes from relationships, friendships, career opportunity, she has got to have something that she is passionate about. Hopefully, there's more than just one thing as well. My biggest passion so far in life is wanting to be a teacher. I cannot explain the feeling I get seeing classrooms, interacting with students, or the other feelings I get when I see a student "gets" whatever it is were talking about, but I would kill to be able to feel that way everyday. I would literally teach seven days a week, 12 months of the year, if I could. I absolutely love it that much. I hope that people out there feel that way about something in their life too.

2. Another quality women should possess is a "sisterly" one. I feel sorry for those women out there that do not have a sister, because I have the three best sisters out there and yes, you should be jealous of the fact that I can absolutely want to strangle them at times and then want to talk to them the very next second. So for those out there without this bond, you need to find someone out there who can be like a sister to you and who you can be a sister to. I do not know what it is, but I know I'm always okay in life if I am able to talk to them about anything and they still love me.

3. Women should have the ability to regret things in life . I do not buy that whole "I have no regrets" people say when asked about it because of course you do. You may not dwell on it like I'm sure I probably do, but regret is a need in life to me because without those regrets, I do not know how you could possibly find whatever it is you're looking for. I have a lot of regrets in life, but they only make me stronger and make me realize that you've got to hold on for dear life when you know you don't want to regret that thing too.

4. The final thing I think that I have needed in my life so far is the power to forgive and the power to forget. Forgiving someone for doing something to you is always going to be hard, but you have to forgive in order to find peace for it. Now, that doesn't mean you have to pretend everything is peachy and go on like before, because that's where the power to forget comes in. Once you forgive, it's important to either forget it and move forward or forget them and move ahead without them. Anyone out there with the power to do that is strong and to me, is the kind of friend I want to'd better stand up for something or else you will end up getting walked all over.

So here is my first blog....there is definitely a whole bunch more I could keep talking about, but for now, I hope you can post what you think you need to possess.